The Delhi Police's investigation into the dissemination of a purportedly 'doctored' video involving Home Minister Amit Shah has taken a dramatic turn with the summoning of Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy. The unfolding saga also saw a Congress worker detained in Assam, adding fuel to the fire of political intrigue and speculation.
The controversy erupted when a video allegedly portraying Home Minister Amit Shah in a misleading light began circulating on social media platforms. The video's authenticity came under intense scrutiny, with allegations of manipulation and tampering surfacing from various quarters.
In a surprising twist, the Delhi Police has summoned Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy for questioning in connection with the dissemination of the controversial footage. Reddy's involvement in the matter has raised eyebrows and sparked speculation about the political motivations behind the video's circulation.
Meanwhile, in Assam, a Congress worker was detained by authorities in connection with the dissemination of the 'doctored' video. The arrest underscores the widening scope of the investigation and the concerted efforts by law enforcement agencies to unravel the truth behind the manipulated footage.
As the investigation gathers pace, political tensions are running high, with accusations and counter-accusations flying thick and fast between rival parties. The Congress party has vehemently denied any involvement in the creation or dissemination of the video, attributing it to a smear campaign orchestrated by their political adversaries.
The Delhi Police's decision to summon Chief Minister Revanth Reddy adds a new dimension to the controversy, with the spotlight now firmly trained on the corridors of power in Telangana. Reddy's response to the summons and the unfolding developments are poised to shape the narrative surrounding the controversy in the days to come.
Against the backdrop of mounting scrutiny and public outcry, the need for a thorough and impartial investigation into the origins and authenticity of the 'doctored' video has never been more pressing. As the political drama unfolds, the stakes are high, with the reputation and credibility of key players hanging in the balance.