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Pakistan, the Brand Ambassador of Misery: Rajnath Singh Slams Terror Promotion

In a fiery speech, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh accuses Pakistan of exporting terror while its own people suffer from poverty and misery, branding it a global threat.


Pakistan, the Brand Ambassador of Misery: Rajnath Singh Slams Terror Promotion

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh launched a scathing attack on Pakistan during his rallies in Rajouri and Poonch on Sunday, accusing the neighboring country of being a "global brand ambassador of poverty and misery." Singh stated that instead of addressing its internal issues, Pakistan is actively promoting terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir and other parts of India.

Singh emphasized that Pakistan's continuous efforts to destabilize India through terror activities have made it infamous on the global stage. "While their own citizens suffer, Pakistan is busy exporting terrorism. They have become a global example of misery," Singh remarked.

The Defence Minister, while addressing the public at four different rallies, stressed that the Indian government will continue its firm stance against terrorism and will not allow any nation to threaten its peace and sovereignty. He assured the people of Jammu & Kashmir that India's security forces are well-equipped to handle any threats.

"Pakistan has not only isolated itself internationally due to its terrorist activities but has also become a symbol of poverty and failure," Singh added. He urged the international community to take note of Pakistan's actions and hold it accountable for its continued support for terrorism.

The rallies witnessed huge turnouts, with Singh’s message resonating strongly, especially in the regions that have been historically impacted by cross-border tensions.