The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has summoned The Karnataka Pradesh Congress Leader D K Shivakumar again regarding his money laundering case. Both he and his brother Kanakapura Congress MP D K Suresh appeared before the ED for questioning in connection with a probe related to their financial contribution to Young India Private Limited on Friday.
The former Cabinet Minister was last questioned by ED on September 19 in another case involving money laundering and possession of disproportionate assets. He has been called again to depose before the agency on October 7th in New Delhi.
This comes during the time of Rahul Gandhi’s “Bharat Jodo Yatra” whose sole responsibility lies on Shivakumar’s shoulders. The Congress leader is going to be in the state for 21 days.
Shivakumar told the media persons that he has full faith in the law system and that he is willing to cooperate with them. Last month, while exiting the agency office he told the media persons about the charge sheet in one money laundering case and that he does not know what is the new case (disproportionate assets) against him.
This is not the first time Shivakumar has made it to the agency headquarters. In response to many rounds of questioning in a case that resulted from an Income Tax Department action against him, Shivakumar was taken into custody by the agency on September 3, 2019. In October of that year, the Delhi High Court granted him bail. The Congress leader said that he had asked for permission to use some space for party operations. “They appear to be rushing, though. I'm being subjected to mental harassment," he claimed, noting that the Enforcement Directorate had called him in for questioning.