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Biden lauds India's success against Covid-19, slams China for its failure

While comparing India with China, he reportedly said that China faced a defeat in handling the pandemic. He also said that though both the countries are of the same size, India had chalked out better plans to control the pandemic


During a closed-door session of the Quad Summit, US president Joe Biden lauded India for meticulously and successfully fighting the Covid-19 in contrast to China’s failure to handle the pandemic.

A senior official revealed that the US President was all praised PM Narendra Modi for handling the Covid-19 pandemic “successfully, in a democratic manner".

While comparing India with China, he reportedly said that China faced a defeat in handling the pandemic. He also said that though both the countries are of the same size, India had chalked out better plans to control the pandemic.

“PM Modi's success has shown the world that democracies can deliver and busted the myth that autocracies like China and Russia can handle the rapidly changing world better because their leadership can take and implement decisions without going through lengthy democratic processes", the official was quoted as saying.

Prime Minister Modi Met US president Biden on Tuesday after attending the Quad Leader’s Summit in Tokyo. Prime Ministers of Japan and Australia also attended the summit.

 Commenting on the summit Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra said, "There was a clear realization that the countries in Quad have been able to tackle covid in their respective manner, best to their capabilities."

"But yes, there was a general appreciation of how India has been able to shape a comprehensive response, in which India has been able to manage the response including vaccination, working at the forefront," he added.