According to sources, the Delhi Police has detained a Chinese lady for allegedly engaging in "anti-national actions" while residing in India under a false name.
According to them, the woman has been identified as Cai Ruo from China's Hainan province. She was found to be in possession of a Nepalese citizenship certificate under her name, Dolma Lama, during the verification process. She is a Chinese citizen posing as a Nepalese monk, but when the Foreigners Regional Registration Office was contacted, it was discovered that she had been to India in 2019, according to the police.
She allegedly told the police that some Communist Party leaders in China planned to assassinate her during questioning.
"The Chinese lady was detained on Monday at around 1 pm from Majnu Ka Tila, Delhi. During verification, one Nepalese citizenship certificate in the name of Dolma Lama, a resident of Kathmandu, Nepal was recovered from her possession," a police officer said.
The accused was detained by a Special Cell team from the Delhi Police on the grounds that they may have given China classified information. Additionally, it has come to light that the woman is connected to a Chinese political party and has access to many government buildings in New Delhi. With this information, the authorities are attempting to determine why the woman has spent the past two years in Delhi.