A fatal collision on the Madurai-Thirumangalam highway on July 30, 2023 claimed the lives of four people. The victims have been identified as S. Suresh (40), his wife S. Priya (35), their son S. Akash (10), and their daughter S. Aishwarya (8).
The accident occurred at around 11:30 PM when the car the victims were traveling in collided with a container truck coming in the opposite direction. The accident was so much destructive that it completely disfigured the car. The four victims were declared dead at the venue.
The driver of the container truck, who was not injured, has been arrested. The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but police believe that the car may have been speeding.This is a tragic accident that has claimed the lives of four innocent people. Our hearts go out to the families of the victims.The police are urging motorists to be careful while driving on this stretch of highway. They have also asked drivers to avoid speeding.
The Madurai-Thirumangalam highway is a known accident-prone area. In the past year, there have been several fatal accidents on this stretch of highway. The police are working to improve safety measures on the highway, but they are urging motorists to take precautions as well.
The car the victims were traveling in was a Maruti Suzuki Swift.The container truck was carrying a load of cement. There were no other vehicles involved in the accident.The police are asking anyone who witnessed the accident or has any information about it to come forward.