On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Uttarakhand to visit Kedarnath and Badrinath. While there, he would check several active construction projects and lay the basis for connectivity projects totalling more than 3400 crores. An official claimed that the area's security measures had been enhanced in light of the visit. The ropeway project, which will be developed for 2430 crore, would give commuters a dependable, secure, and ecologically friendly form of transportation.
“Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will visit Uttarakhand on 21st October 2022. In Kedarnath, at around 8:30 AM, he will perform darshan and pooja at Shri Kedarnath Temple," the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement.
“At around 9 AM, Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone of the Kedarnath Ropeway Project. After that, he will visit the Adi Guru Shankaracharya Samadhi Sthal. " It further said.
“At around 9:25 AM, Prime Minister will review the progress of development works along Mandakini Asthapath and Saraswati Asthapath," the statement read.
This huge infrastructure improvement is intended to promote religious travel, which will lead to the establishment of countless job opportunities and accelerate regional economic growth.
He will also stop by Adi Guru Shankaracharya's Samadhi Sthal during his 2.5-hour lecture. The development work along Mandakini Asthapath and Saraswati Asthapath will also be reviewed by the prime minister. He will next arrive at Badrinath Dham and, after paying a visit to the temple and making prayers, will assess the development projects being carried out along the riverbank.