Wednesday saw the opening of the DefExpo22 in Gandhinagar, the state capital of Gujarat. The occasion aims to highlight India's de PM The 52 Wing Air Force Station Deesa's foundation stone was also placed by Modi at the Def Expo22 opening ceremony in Gandhinagar.
“It’s the symbol of a new beginning. It’s the first such Defence Expo in the country where only Indian companies are participating, where there are only Made in India defence equipment,” said PM Modi.
He said, “Def Expo 2022 is displaying a grand picture of the New India, the resolution for which was taken by us during Amrit Kaal. It has the nation’s development, states’ participation, youth power, young dreams, young courage youth’s capabilities.”
“I know that this has also caused inconvenience to some countries but several countries, with a positive mindset, have come with us,” he said.
Later in the day, he will also lay the cornerstone for a number of construction initiatives in Junagadh. He will dedicate and formally lay the cornerstone for projects estimated to cost Rs. 15,670 billion.
In addition, the prime minister will formally inaugurate the Mission Schools of Excellence in Adalaj and lay the cornerstone for a number of construction initiatives in Junagadh.
He will also dedicate and lay the cornerstones for other significant projects in Rajkot in addition to opening the India Urban Housing Conclave-2022.