PM Modi to flag off two Vande trains in Maharashtra on February 10. PM Modi will hail off two Vande Bharat trains on February 10 which will run among Mumbai and Sainagar Shirdi as well as Mumbai and Solapur.
The Mumbai-Shirdi train associates the business cash flow to journey focuses in Maharashtra like Nasik, Trimbakeshwar and Shirdi, while the Mumbai Solapur train will offer quicker network to Siddeshwar, Akkalkot, Tuljapur, Panddharpur and Alandi.
With a plan speed almost 160 kms . The Mumbai -Shirdi Vande Bharat Express train will cover a distance of 335 kms in five and a half hours . At present, in different trains of the Indian Railways, it requires any place between 6.5 hours to ten hours to arrive at Shirdi.
"It will likewise navigate steep ghats in Kasra of 1 out of 37; slope without a breaker motor, " Said Naresh Lalwani , Chief Supervisor of this Railway zone. Vande Bharat Express have strong Engines inserted under each other mentor which don't expect them to append a motor for extra push while handling on steep ghats.
In different trains handling on the lofty ghats , up to two extra motors are appended in the uneven region to cross the trip.
Likewise , on the Mumbai-Solapur route , the train will cross the 1 of every 37 slope ghat segment without a financier motor in Khandala-Lonawala stretch.
"The current super fast train requires almost 8 hours though Vande Bharat will require 6.5 hours saving minutes of movement time." Said the a railway official.