On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate an educational complex for needy students in Ahmedabad and dedicate to the nation many projects totaling more than Rs 8,000 crore in Amod, Gujarat's Bharuch district.
Ahead of the upcoming Assembly polls in the BJP-ruled state later this year, the PM is undertaking a three-day visit to Gujarat from Sunday.
He will lay the foundation for a deep sea pipeline project at Dahej in the Bharuch district as well as a bulk drug park at Jambusar on Monday.
Additionally, he will take part in the groundbreaking ceremony for setting up a number of industrial parks in the district.
The prime minister will inaugurate the Modi Shaikshanik Sankul, an educational facility for underprivileged students, in Ahmedabad. According to a government release, the project will contribute to giving students access to services for all-around development. A public rally will also feature a speech from PM Modi at Vallabh Vidyanagar in the Anand district.
He will inaugurate and lay the foundation for Rs. 1,460 crore worth of projects in Jamnagar in the evening. These initiatives relate with urban infrastructure, power, water supply, and irrigation.