PM Modi tweeted, “Wishing everyone a Happy Diwali. Diwali is associated with brightness and radiance. May this auspicious festival further the spirit of joy and well-being in our lives. I hope you have a wonderful Diwali with family and friends."
Together with Indian soldiers, the prime minister will observe the event at Kargil.
Additionally, President Droupadi Murmu sent greetings for Diwali. She Tweeted “Happy Diwali to all my countrymen! On this holy festival of light and joy, let us try to bring happiness to the lives of those in need by lighting the lamp of knowledge and energy. On this great festival, I pray for happiness and prosperity in the lives of all Indians.”
Amit Shah, the Union Minister for Home Affairs, tweeted his congratulations on Diwali as well. He stated, “Happy Diwali to all the countrymen. May this festival of lights bring happiness, health and prosperity in everyone’s life.”