PM Modi on Wednesday reviewed his Ekta Yatra in Jammu & Kashmir in 1991, saying in spite of the fear based oppressors' messages, he spread out the Tricolour at Lal chowk in Srinagar without wearing a bulletproof jacket.
Discussing the revocation of Article 370, PM Modi said the travel industry has been on the ascent since Article 370 was rejected and there enjoys been harmony in the state. Addressing Lok Sabha during the motion of gratitude to the President's Location, PM Modi said, ":
Those [ referring to Rahul Gandhi who as of late finished up Bharat- Jodo Yatra in Jammu & Kashmir] who returned from J&K as of late high priority perceived how effectively you can go in J&K .
I also had gone on a yatra to J&K with the purpose to unfurl Tricolour at Lal Chowk." Attacking the Resistance chiefs in Jammu and Kashmir, PM Modi said they had partaken in the Tiranga Yatra .
"Certain individuals used to express that there is a disturbance in harmony because of the Tricolour. Take a gander at the time , even those individuals took part in the Tiranga Yatra, " he added.
PM Modi expressed" Today there is harmony. Individuals can go effectively in hundreds in number . J&K has broken different records in the field of travel industry after many years .
The celebration of a majority rule government is being commended in J&K today , there is a fruitful mission of Har Ghar Tiranga."