On Wednesday, Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, had a visit from US Consul General Jennifer Larson at his camp office in Amravati.
Dr. K.S. Jawahar Reddy, Special Chief Secretary to the CM, Dr. M. Hari Krishna, Special Secretary, and representatives from the Consulate General also took part in the discussion.
Jennifer Larson, who is making her first visit to AP since taking on her new role, praised the CM for using best practises to combat the Covid pandemic despite the state's financial difficulties. She also commended him for having the highest GDP growth rate.
The dignitary appreciated the way American Corner operates in Visakhapatnam as well.
The government has been giving high priority to the education, medical, and agricultural sectors, the chief minister assured her.
He also urged her to promote investment in the state. He assured anyone looking to invest that he would extend all necessary support.