According to news agency ANI, the Indian Navy will soon induct the nation's first human-carrying drone, known as "Varuna," which was created by startup company Sagar Defence Engineering Private Limited in Pune.
The organisation tweeted a video demonstrating how the drone might be piloted by one passenger seated inside and the height it can reach to travel from one location to another.
Nikunj Parashar, the creator of Sagar Defence Engineering, said the platform can carry 100 kg of goods, perform medical evacuations, and fly for around 30 minutes at a range of 25 to 30 kilometres.
It has a ballistic parachute that can open in case of malfunction. Urban air mobility is something we are striving on, he told ANI.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the "Varuna" demonstration earlier in July.
The drone was created to assist the Navy in moving personnel between warships, claims the national daily Hindustan Times. Its creators have improved it so that it may aid in rescue efforts and act as an air ambulance in rural areas.