In the age of the internet and quick messaging services, postal services might seem a little antiquated. However, the postal system is an essential part of a region's connectivity, especially in places with little or no digital presence. It is vital to understand the significance of World Post Day, which is observed annually on October 9.
According to the UN, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) was established in Bern, Switzerland, in 1874, and that date is observed as World Post Day.
Since the earliest days of time, people have used postal services to send messages that were then delivered by foot or horseback couriers. In the 1600s, postal systems began to evolve and spread throughout many countries. A global postal system initially started to emerge in the late 1800s with the gradual growth of international letter exchange. The UPU was established in 1874, and after much labour and time, it finally began to work.
The theme for World Post Day in 2022 is "Post for Planet." When it comes to logistics, the Post is unparalleled. World Post Day is observed as a paid holiday in a number of nations.
It is usually observed to support a number of programme initiatives that educate the public about the importance of the postal system in a country and its huge contribution to its ocial and economic development.
According to the United Nations' list of celebrations, World Post Day is observed in more than 150 nations in a variety of ways. Some countries recognise their staff on World Post Day for a job well done. There are also special occasions like philatelic exhibitions, the launch of new stamps, and date cancellation markings.
Putting up World Post Day posters in post offices and other public places, as well as holding open days at post offices, mail processing facilities, and postal museums are also done. Conferences, workshops and seminars are also planned to mark World Post Day, along with other leisure activities.