Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, will make his third trip to Ayodhya in 20 days on Wednesday to dedicate the statue of Ramanujacharya, a Hindu philosopher and social reformer, at Radha Soami Temple Golaghat at noon.
The Chief Minister had stated on September 28 that a monument of Ramanujacharya will be raised. Ramanujacharya's idol is being constructed at Ram Nagari for his 1000th birthday.
On this, the Chief Minister had pledged that crossroads in Ayodhya will be constructed in the future in honour of senior sages, according to an official release.
"For the first time, the statue of Jagadguru Ramanujacharya will be installed in Ramnagari. This statue will be about four feet long and will be installed in the Radha Krishna temple built in the style of South India, located just 2 km from Ram Janmabhoomi. The saints had demanded Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath name the main square of Ayodhya after Ramanujacharya. On this, the Chief Minister had assured them that in the coming years, crossroads would be built in Ayodhya in the name of senior sages," said an official statement.
Notably, Yogi arrived at Ayodhya on September 23 in preparation for the aerial survey and Deepotsav. On September 28, he returned to the city for the inauguration ceremony of the Lata Mangeshkar commemoration Chowk and Veena. On October 12, he will return to the city once more.