On Wednesday, the Telangana police said that they had arrested three people and thwarted an attempt to kidnap four Telangana Rashtra Samithi MPs. According to Cyberabad Police Commissioner Stephen Raveendra, the plan was exposed when the lawmakers informed the police that someone had been attempting to get them to defect from the party.
The four MLAs were spotted visiting a farmhouse in Cyberabad's Aziz Nagar neighbourhood: P Rohit Reddy, Bheeram Harshavardhan Reddy, P Rega Kantha Rao, and Guvvala Balaraju.
As a result of the event, there has been verbal combat between the TRS and the BJP, with the former accusing the latter of attempting to steal its MLAs ahead of the Munugode by-election.
Sateish Sharma, 33, a priest at a temple in Haryana's Faridabad, as well as D Simhayaji, a seer from Tirupathi in Andhra Pradesh, and Nandakumar, a businessman from Hyderabad, who were all present at the farmhouse in Aziz Nagar in Moinabad, were also detained during the operation.
According to sources, a car at the farmhouse was found to have cash worth Rs 15 crore, and the suspects had contact with the MLAs Pilot Rohith Reddy, B Harshvardhan Reddy, G Balraju, and Rega Kantha Rao.
The TRS allegedly used this as a distraction to win the Munugode seat, according to the BJP, which rejected the charge.