Rahul Gandhi will lead the Bharat Jodo Yatra of the Congress into Andhra Pradesh on Friday. Following a halt for the night, Gandhi resumed the march from Rampura here in the morning, accompanied by former Karnataka chief minister Siddaramaiah and key party leaders.
According to party members, the former president of the Congress would spend a brief time in Obalapuram in the Andhra Pradesh district of Anantapur. "Another remarkable day at hand! Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka - wherever the #BharatJodoYatra goes, love follows. Join us as we briefly step into Andhra Pradesh for another action-packed day," the Bharat Jodo Yatra team tweeted.
Gandhi would later that day return back to Karnataka from Andhra Pradesh. Rahul Gandhi would reportedly enter Andhra Pradesh through the Jajirakallu toll plaza, where he would halt till 4.30 pm before continuing.
In the evening, the Congress leader will also halt briefly in the village of Obalapuram. The Wayanad MP will stay the night at Halakundhi Math in the Ballari district after returning back to Karnataka.
Festoons, banners, posters, and Congress flags were visible along the march's path as it headed from Rampura. Gandhi received many handshakes, hugs, and interactions from people.
After travelling 511 kilometers in 21 days and entering Karnataka on September 30, the Bharat Jodo Yatra will leave the state on October 20. The yatra aims to bring India together in opposition to dividing forces.