For the forthcoming Mizoram Assembly elections, which are scheduled to take place on November 28, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will contest in all the 40 seats. Amit Shah, the national president of the BJP, made this announcement on Wednesday in the presence of a huge gathering at Dengthuama Hall in Aizawl.
Speaking at the Mizoram Pradesh BJP's inaugural event in Aizawl, Amit Shah raged against the Mizoram Congress Government, claiming that the Lal Thanhawla-led Government has plundered crores of rupees granted by the Narendra Modi Government.
The BJP will contest polls alone. With the MNF or any other regional parties, we will not form an alliance. We will contest for all 40 seats in the Assembly, declared BJP leader Shah.
Amit Shah assured the crowd that the BJP will govern Mizoram as the future government, saying "I promise you that Mizoram will observe the coming Christmas under BJP's rule."
The saffron party, according to Amit Shah, has established itself in all seven Northeastern States with the exception of Mizoram, and the upcoming elections will reveal a different story. According to Shah, the BJP will form a new government in Mizoram that will promote development and make the state free of corruption.
Shah added that due to the withdrawal of party leaders, the Congress party in Mizoram is in a tough position.
The Congress rule is by default a rule of corruption. In Mizoram, things are different because the chief minister took the entire share, which has enraged his cabinet. One by one, Shah claimed, the party's leaders are leaving.
He urged the people of Mizoram to give the BJP a chance so that Mizoram may develop like other States of the nation, claiming that the saffron party has eliminated corruption in all other Northeastern States.
Lal Thanhawla, the chief minister of Mizoram, has suspended many of PM Modi's schemes for the betterment of the poor because he is concerned that Modiji will receive credit, Shah continued.