The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), who lost 144 Lok Sabha seats in the 2019 General Elections, intends to hold 40 rallies in those areas. There will probably be one rally led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in each cluster.
According to party sources, the BJP has planned for PM Modi to hold 40 significant rallies at 40 places throughout the country's 144 weak or lost Lok Sabha seats as part of the Lok Sabha Pravas Yojana Phase-2. The Prime Minister will schedule these 40 public meetings in each of the 40 clusters. BJP President JP Nadda, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, and other Union Cabinet Ministers, according to sources, will travel and conduct public meetings for the political party.
According to sources, the party's objective is for the cluster in charge to meet with influencial local individuals on a regular basis, as well as to hear the grievances of any local BJP leaders who are dissatisfied, and also offer a solution. All 40 central government ministers will be required to complete 5-point work as part of Pravas Yojana Phase-2.
Implementing the campaign plan comes first, followed by running the public outreach programme, political management, and setting up the narrative management. Fifth and final: Staying overnight in a cluster Lok Sabha constituency.
The cabinet minister in charge of the cluster is required to meet with local religious leaders and seers of various communities at their homes. They are also required to actively participate in local community festivals and customs, local fairs, rituals, street programmes, and programmes run at the local level.
A meeting with the ministers in charge and the organisation leader in-charge will also have to be scheduled in along with the local officials and key employees of all the Sangh-affiliated organisations. Regular virtual meetings will also have to be scheduled with doctors, professors, businesspeople, and other professionals.