Rahul Gandhi’s “Bharat Jodo Yatra” is in its Karnataka leg and marked its 31st day today. During an interaction with the masses in Mayasandra, Tumakuru in Karnataka on Saturday he said “My view is that it doesn't matter whom the person spreading hatred is, it doesn't matter which community they come from, spreading hatred and violence is an anti-national act and we'll fight against such people,".
While talking to the media persons, the Congress chief emphasised the integrity and cohesion of the nation, saying, "Our constitution declares that India is a union of states. It implies that each of our languages, states, and traditions has an equally significant place. That is the character of our nation.”
This was the third press conference of the Congress leader and was also joined by veteran Congress leader Jairam Ramesh. Informing the media about the later schedule of the yatra, he said that polling booths will be set up in the camps themselves as over 40PCC delegates will be participating in the rally with them. Rahul Gandhi is set to celebrate Diwali in the camps itself.
Additionally, he disclosed that the Bharat Jodo Yatra would hold a large rally on October 15 before coming to an end on October 17 as a result of the party presidential elections.