Nitish Kumar, the chief minister of Bihar, and Tejashwi Yadav, his deputy, will speak at joint gatherings on Thursday to promote the candidates of the Rashtriya Janata Dal for the vacant Mokama and Gopalganj assembly seats on November 3. Since Kumar broke with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and forged the administration with the aid of the RJD, Congress, and the Left parties, the by-polls mark the first such electoral struggle.
According to RJD national general secretary Bhola Yadav, whom himself was campaigning on Tuesday for RJD candidate Neelam Devi, the wife of strongman and former MLA Anant Singh, the chief minister and deputy chief minister would attend joint rallies in Mokama and Gopalganj. The final timetable still has to be created. Mahagathbandhan would take both seats, he said.
RJD leader Shyam Rajak maintained there was no disunity within the ruling coalition. “Several top leaders from the RJD, Congress, and Left parties have visited the constituencies. Kumar and Tejaswi will address joint meetings on October 27 [Thursday]. Even JD (U) national president Rajiv Ranjan Singh will be addressing rallies in Mokama.”
On Wednesday, Rajiv Ranjan, better known by his stage name Lalan Singh and considered to be Anant's biggest competitor, is expected to lend his support to Neelam. According to Sanjeet Kumar Singh, also known as Manager Singh, a trusted aide of Anant, Lalan would do roadshows, campaign, and deliver speeches at public events in several panchayats around the Mokama constituency. Lalan "is predicted to undertake a daylong campaign from 10 am to 6 pm," according to Sanjeet.