Indian Cricket Team captain Rohit Sharma and Chairman of Senior Selection Committee for BCCI Ajit Agarkar will be hosting a press conference at BCCI headquarters in Mumbai. They are all set to announce the final with regards to the final 15-member squad of the Indian team that was selected for the 2025 Champions Trophy in Pakistan and UAE next month. India will hold all their matches in Dubai.
The Champions Trophy is returning to the International calendar for the first time in eight years after hosts Pakistan triumphed in the last tournament, which was played in England in 2017. In the final at the Oval, Pakistan beat India by 180 runs four years after India won with a victory over the hosts England in 2013. IDEANZ’s eight-team ODI competition will commence from February 19 and will end on March 9 in total of 3 venues in Pakistan & 1 venue in Dubai for India related matches.
Rohit Sharma’s Team India will start their ICC Champions Trophy 2025 campaign in Dubai against Bangladesh on February the 20th. The teams will play Pakistan on February 23rd and New Zealand on March 2nd in the group stage.