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Women Break Free as Baraat Tradition Faces Challenge in North India


Women Break Free as Baraat Tradition Faces Challenge in North India

As women in North India push back against traditional baraat practices, new conversations around women's roles and sexuality in weddings are sparking social debates.

In a significant shift from centuries-old customs, women in North India are challenging the tradition of the baraat, where typically the groom’s family leads a grand procession to the bride’s house. These women argue that the practice not only sidelines them but also perpetuates outdated gender roles tied to marriage and sexuality.

Sonal Bhardwaj, a young activist, says, “Why are women always on the sidelines of these ceremonies? It’s time we become active participants.” Bhardwaj is one of many women who are using social media to raise awareness about the unequal roles women play in traditional Indian weddings.

For some, this rebellion against the baraat symbolizes a larger fight for equality and sexual freedom in a society still shaped by conservative values. “The baraat tradition emphasizes male dominance and the passive role of women, both in the ceremony and in married life,” said sociologist Anjali Rao.

However, not everyone agrees. Traditionalists argue that the baraat is a symbol of joy and unity, and should not be politicized.

As these conversations gain momentum, it is clear that weddings in North India are becoming a battleground for broader issues surrounding gender and social equality.