Ram Setu, starring Akshay Kumar and Jacqueline Fernandez, premieres in theatres today. Due to the Diwali holidays, it is anticipated that moviegoers and fans will swarm to the theatres to see the movie. It faces off against Thank God, starring Ajay Devgn and Sidharth Malhotra. There is a lot of interest in the box office competition between two blockbuster movies. As fans share their opinions, Ram Setu is currently trending on Twitter. Response to Akshay Kumar's film has been mixed. While some are calling it a blockbuster film, others are dissatisfied with Akshay Kumar once more.
Many people are saying on Twitter that Ram Setu's first half is pretty interesting. Ram Setu has also received praise for the film's premise and background music, which stars Akshay Kumar and Jacqueline Fernandez. On the other hand, several online users referred to Ram Setu as a snooze fest.
Fans of Akshay Kumar have referred to the action-adventure movie featuring him, Jacqueline Fernandez, and Nushratt Bharuccha as the "ideal Diwali present." It appears that "Ram Setu," directed by Abhishek Sharma, would put a stop to Akshay Kumar's lack of box office success.
In total, Akshay Kumar has had five films come out this year: Bachchan Paandey, Samrat Prithviraj, Raksha Bandhan, Cuttputli, and the most recent release, Ram Setu. The remaining four films have all had theatrical releases, with the exception of "Cutputtli," which was released on an OTT platform. Three of these had appalling box office failures. Akshay has now staked all of his chances for box office success on the release of "Ram Setu." Additionally, based on the early assessments of the movie that have circulated on Twitter, it appears that Akshay might genuinely experience fourth time lucky.
The Tuesday-released film "Thank God," starring Ajay Devgn and Sidharth Malhotra, and Akshay Kumar's "Ram Setu" have competed against one another at the box office. Similar to the action-adventure, the humorous comedy-drama "Thank God" has also been getting good reviews. Once the final numbers for the day are released, it will be interesting to see how the movies fared at the box office.