Recent sources state that Satya Narayan Pradhan, the director general, received a report from Gyaneshwar Singh, the deputy general and chief vigilance officer of the prestigious investigative bureau.
Gyaneshwar said in his 3,000-page assessment that Sameer Wankhede, the previous zonal chief of the bureau probe ,'s into the cruise case included several flaws. In addition to this, the vigilance team discovered other flaws in the inquiry. Seven NCB officers in all will be subject to departmental action, according to a source close to the vigilance team, since they allegedly failed to conduct a fair inquiry.
“According to the latest reports, the Deputy general, Gyaneshwar Singh, who is also the Chief vigilance officer of the esteemed investigative bureau, submitted a report to the director general, Satya Narayan Pradhan. In his 3,000-page report, Gyaneshwar mentioned that there are a lot of loopholes in the investigation done by the former zonal head of the bureau, Sameer Wankhede, in the cruise case. Not only this, but the vigilance team also found many irregularities in the investigation.” A source close to the vigilance team stated that a total of seven NCB officials would face departmental action against them after they reportedly failed to conduct an unbiased investigation.
In addition to Aryan Khan's case, flaws were discovered in the investigations of other instances, and the Vigilance team reported on all of them to the Delhi Headquarters.
In its report, the vigilance team also suggested taking legal action against the personnel assigned to the Mumbai NCB section, including the zonal director by name.
The NCB has 65 people's statements on file.