Abhishek Bachchan, Bollywood actor, on Thursday revealed the official teaser for Season 2 of his online series "Breathe: Into the Shadows."
Abhishek posted the trailer to Instagram with the caption, "The game of shadows has just begun... #BreatheIntoTheShadows, trailer out now."
Abhishek Bachchan, Nithya Menon, Amit Sadh, Siyami Kher, and Naveen Kasturia are starring in the web series helmed by Mayank Sharma.
Beginning on November 9, 2022, the upcoming season will be available exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.
Revealing a little bit about the new season, Abhishek Bachchan said, "The merciless chase which started in season 1 takes an even more ruthless path in season 2. This season will witness all characters evolve and get much deeper into the mess. The viewers have waited for 2 years for the sequel, and it is a delight to watch them anticipate what we have to offer. I'm glad that season 2 is finally about to unfold and unveil many more mysteries and mind games. I hope viewers across the globe enjoy the breathtaking chase".
In Season 2, Amit Sadh, who is still looking for J, remarked: Breathe: Season 2 of Into the Shadows is far more complex and bigger. Breathe has been in my life since the very first instalment. It has been an experience, and I am eager to see how the audience responds to continue the season 1 story where we left it. I won't give away the thrill, but this season, be prepared for the unexpected.
Nithya Menon, an actor, said: This Amazon Original is particularly important to me. It's always enjoyable to put myself in Abha's shoes, and I'm really looking forward to Season 2 because my character journey is really different from what it was in Season 1. I can't wait to see how this time around Abha's acts and character are received by the audience. The anticipation level for Season 2 has definitely increased, and we all hope that viewers will appreciate the unexpected turn of events.
The new season of "Breathe: Into the Shadows" was co-written by director Mayank Sharma, Arshad Syed, Vikram Tuli, Priya Saggi, and Abhijeet Deshpande.