Akshay Kumar, the actor of Ram Setu, is set to make his Marathi debut in Mahesh Manjrekar's upcoming film, 'Vedat Marathe Veer Daudale Saat.' The squad had an outstanding mahurat shooting event in Mumbai, which was also attended by prominent luminaries like as Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and MNS Chief Raj Thackeray.
Akshay Kumar will play Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the film. Vaseem Qureshi is the producer of 'Vedat Marathe Veer Daudale Saat.' The film is based on the true narrative of seven courageous soldiers who dedicated their lives to realising Shivaji Maharaj's ideal of Swarajya and penning one of history's most magnificent pages.
Salman Khan, a close friend of Mahesh Manjrekar, also attended the launch ceremony to express his support. In the newly released film Antim, Mahesh Manjrekar directed Salman Khan. They have also appeared as co-actors in other films.
Expressing excitement about his Marathi debut Akshay said, "It's a dream come true role for me. I think to portray Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on the big screen is a very huge responsibility. I was taken aback when Raj sir asked me to portray this role. I feel so good to be playing this part and it's going to be a dream come true role for me. Also, I will be working for the first time with Director Mahesh Manjrekar, and it is going to be an experience."