On the occasion of Diwali, Bollywood star Saba Azad shared a sweet photo with her beau Hrithik Roshan. Saba posted the image to her Instagram stories along with the remark, "Happy Diwali."
Hrithik and Saba could be seen smiling and matching in the photo while wearing white clothing. The image gained a lot of attention on social media shortly after Saba published it.
When Hrithik and Saba were seen out on a dinner date in February, dating rumours about the two of them began to circulate. Later, Saba also attended a gathering with Hrithik's family. Following their hand-in-hand stroll at actor Karan Johar's 50th birthday party, the rumours were put to rest.
Saba is a gifted singer and actor. She appeared in a number of well-known Bollywood movies, including "Detective Byomkesh Bakshyi," "Shaandaar," and "Karwaan." Similar to Hrithik, Saba's feed is evidence of the two's intense affection for one another.
In the meantime, Hrithik recently appeared in the action-thriller movie "Vikram Vedha" with Saif Ali Khan and Radhika Apte. The audience reacted well to the movie, which was directed by Pushkar and Gayatri.
He will next be seen opposite Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor in the action thriller movie "Fighter." The Siddhart Anand-directed movie is Deepika and Hrithik's debut on-screen pairing.