New Delhi, December 7: Akshara Singh's single 'Piya Ke Jhulfiya,' presented by T-Series, has officially been released. Priyanshu Singh produced and Vikki Raushan wrote this lively dance tune. Danny Fernandes and Babbu Khanna directed the incredibly cheerful and lively song video. The music video depicts a cute collegiate relationship and has a youthful, lively air to it. With Piya Ke Jhulfiya, Akshara has once again wowed us with her vocal.
We love how she represents a girl next door in the music video, which makes the song new and likely to be a success on all your dance playlists.
Akshara has often wowed us with her incredible vocals. We'll be watching for the artist's forthcoming endeavours with bated breath. The music video for "Piya Ke Jhulfiya" is now available on T-Series' YouTube channel!