Salman Khan, who arrived in the city on Wednesday for a film shoot, took part in the Green India Challenge by planting saplings. Green India Challenge founder and TRS MP Joginpally Santosh Kumar accompanied him
Salman Khan, who arrived in the city on Wednesday for a film shoot, took part in the Green India Challenge by planting saplings. Green India Challenge founder and TRS MP Joginpally Santosh Kumar accompanied him.
Mr Khan praised the politician's efforts to make the state greener, saying it was an honour to be a part of such an initiative. He stated that it is everyone's responsibility to plant saplings and nurture them to maturity. He also discussed how the country was facing floods and human loss as a result of the loss of green cover.
Santosh Kumar thanked the Bollywood star for accepting his request and joined the GIC . He said that the bollywood star's initiative to plant saplings would definitely inspire crores of his fans. Apart from the film crew, GIC co- founder Raghava was also present.