The top 10 Indian films of all time have been revealed by the International Federation of Film Critics' (FIPRESCI) India branch. According to reports, FIPRESCI conducted a secret poll with the participation of 30 members of their India branch before releasing this list of the greatest Indian films ever. There were five Hindi films on the list, three Bengali films, one Malayalam film, and one Kannada film. Pather Panchali, a 1955 masterpiece by Satyajit Ray, won the FIPRESCI-India election for the greatest Indian movie of all time (The Indian chapter of International Federation of Film Critics, FIPRESCI).
Meghe Dhaka Tara, a 1960 Ritwik Ghatak production, came in second, followed by Bhuvan Shome, a Mrinal Sen production (1969). The top 10 films in the history of Indian cinema, in all its languages, are listed in a list compiled by FIPRESCI titled "All Time Ten Best Indian Films."
According to a press statement from FIPRESCI-India, 30 members participated in the ballot, which was done in secret.
The remaining top 10 were dominated by directors associated with India's alternative film movement, which prioritised social unrest and politics over popular entertainment.
The 1975 film Sholay starring Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Amjad Khan, Hema Malini, and Jaya Bachchan has also been ranked as the tenth finest Indian film of all time.