Tarun Chugh, the party's J&K representative and national general secretary of the BJP, lambasted the International Film Festival jury for criticising the film Kashmir Files on Sunday, calling it a "historic cinema expression."
In a statement to the media, Chugh said that individuals who called the movie Kashmir Files vulgar were experiencing mental distress.
Our Kashmiri Pandit brethren went through a serious and tragic event. Those who called the movie vulgar are frustrated in their minds, Chugh stated.
He claimed that 32 years had passed before the entire world learned about this awful and heartbreaking tragedy. The facts cannot be hidden, he added.
"Be it genocide carried out by Hitler against Jews; genocide of Sikhs in India by Congress or genocide of KPs in Kashmir by Pakistan, truth cannot be concealed for long. It has to be exposed", Chugh said.
He claimed that criticisms of the decision made by an Israeli native court are "sick" and "ill-minded," and that those who have criticised the Kasmir Files should publicly apologise.
The BJP is a patriotic party that strives to help the underprivileged. Our agenda is Sab Ka Sath Sab Ka Vikas, and with the aid of this agenda, we shall ensure that the nation prospers, Chugh continued.