The National Investigation Agency (NIA) launched several site searches on Tuesday in connection with the Jammu and Kashmir terror-financing case to apprehend those suspected of trying to incite young Muslim people to do violent acts in the Union Territory.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) began conducting multiple-location searches on Tuesday in connection with the Jammu and Kashmir case involving the funding of terrorism in order to apprehend the suspects who were allegedly trying to incite violent acts by Muslim youngsters in the Union Territory.
According to sources, Al Huda Educational Trust continued to raise money for Jamaat-e-Islami initiatives through Hawala networks even after the MHA banned the organisation. Money was being used to radicalise Muslim youth in order to foster animosity along religious lines between groups of people.
Despite the MHA's ban on Jamaat-e-Islami, the Al Huda Educational Trust reportedly continued to raise money through Hawala methods for Jamat-e-Islami operations. To foster animosity along religious lines amongst communities, money was being utilised to radicalise Muslim youngsters.
The CEO of Al Huda Educational Trust, Ameer Mohd Shamshi of Rajouri in Jammu and Kashmir, is wanted by NIA teams. In the NIA FIR, Abdul Fyaz of the Shopian district is also mentioned.