On Wednesday evening, the Jammu and Kashmir Police in Srinagar detained 19 people for allegedly engaging in hooliganism, rioting, anti-national sloganeering, and stone-pelting outside Yasin Malik’s residence in the Maisuma district of Srinagar
In connection with the event, a case was filed in Police Station Maisuma under FIR number 10/2022 under relevant provisions of law, and an investigation was launched.
“As a result, nighttime raids were performed at a number of locations, leading to the arrest of 19 suspects, including the principal suspect involved in the crime, after proper identification.” The other alleged persons involved in the commission of the crime, on the other hand, are being identified and will be charged soon under applicable law.”
“On the 25th, 19 people were arrested (after appropriate identification) in connection with burning, stone pelting, sloganeering, and other acts of vandalism outside Yasin Malik’s home. It is recommended that young people avoid subversive activities. Such behaviour will never be accepted, now or in the future,” the Srinagar Police Department tweeted.