Security forces in Jammu and Kashmir arrested two militant associates of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) outfit on July 25, 2023. The suspects, identified as Dayem Majeed Khan and Ubair Tariq, were apprehended at a mobile vehicle checkpoint (MVCP) in the Chak Tapper Kreeri area.
During a hunt of the accused, Police recuperated two Chinese pistols, two pistol magazines, 14 live pistol rounds, one ID card, and one Xerox copy of an Aadhar card. The suspects confessed that they were affiliated with the LeT outfit and had collected the arms and ammunition for carrying out target killings in Baramulla district.A case has been registered against the suspects under the Arms Act and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Investigations are underway.
The arrests come just days after security forces arrested another LeT militant associate in Baramulla district. On July 20, 2023, security forces arrested Mohammad Seediq Lone, a resident of Nowpora Jageer, Kreeri, who was working as a terrorist associate of the LeT outfit.
The arrests of these three militant associates are a major success for the security forces in their fight against terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. It is a clear message to the terrorists that they will not be able to get away with their crimes and that the security forces will continue to track them down and bring them to justice.
The arrests also come at a time when there has been a recent spike in terrorist activity in Jammu and Kashmir. In the past few months, there have been a number of high-profile attacks on civilians and security personnel.
The security forces are determined to break the back of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. The arrests of these three militant associates are a step in the right direction.The suspects were apprehended at a MVCP that was set up at Chak Tapper Kreeri based on specific information about their movement. They were carrying the arms and ammunition in a bag that they were transporting in a car and confessed that they were planning to carry out target killings in Baramulla district.The arms and ammunition recovered from the suspects have been sent for forensic examination.It is a clear message to the terrorists that they will not be able to get away with their crimes and that the security forces will continue to track them down and bring them to justice.