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Corruption: The most widely spread epidemic in India


Corruption is defined as the abuse of entrusted power for personal gain. Ranking amongst 180 nations, India is 85th most corrupted nation globally. Corruption is stated to be an epidemic in India because this nation is dependent on political and government sector; the sectors from which a citizen seeks support regarding almost every little work. From licensing to liaison, one approaches a higher power for an aid, yet commonly that “aid” comes at a price, or the process is either delayed or canceled. 

It is embedded in mindset of citizens that either they make a budget of bribery or face consequences following their approach. A nation with population of 138 crore documented citizens, having 85th position in the list of most corrupted country is not an achievement. 

The public has been woke in order to end corruption. Many actions have regularized such as allowing to record video in government offices and penalty or suspension can be invoked on acknowledgment of any such unlawful practices. Yet, it seems to exist in ever corner of the society. Not only because it makes an easy path for a public, but also because a public servant gets addicted to monetary gains. 

Who is to blame behind this epidemic? The public or it’s servants? No answer can justify that, because regardless of any action, nothing proves to be a concrete remedy, unless the central government takes a strong step, and the public respects the same.