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MSc degree holder Shari Balouch, mother of two, carried out Karachi suicide bombing

“Baloch Liberation Army’s Majeed Brigade targeted Chinese officials in an attack on Tuesday in Karachi. Three Chinese officials Huang Guiping, Ding Mufang, and Chen Sai were killed in the attack, whereas, Wang Yuqing and their security guards were injured”


Most people have the notion that all terrorists are devoid of proper education. But 30-year-old Shari Baloch proved that a highly educated person can also get astray and embark on the journey of terrorism. She was the woman who executed the Karachi suicide bombing. Four people were killed in the attack including three nationals of China. 

Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), the Afghanistan-based militant group, released a statement that revealed Shari Balouch, hailing from Niazar Abad in Balochistan’s Turbat, had secured an MSc degree in zoology and was married to a doctor. After her master’s, she was pursuing M Phil and was acting as a teacher. BLA is the organization that claimed responsibility for the Karachi bombing.

Shari Baloch became part of a suicidal squad, Majeed Brigade, of the BLA two years ago. being a mother of two, the militant group said that she was given the option to opt-out of the organization but she chose to stay. 

“Baloch Liberation Army’s Majeed Brigade targeted Chinese officials in an attack on Tuesday in Karachi. Three Chinese officials Huang Guiping, Ding Mufang, and Chen Sai were killed in the attack, whereas, Wang Yuqing and their security guards were injured,” the BLA statement read.

The statement further added, “Today’s mission was successfully carried out by Majeed Brigade’s fidayeen Shaari Baloch alias Bramsh, resident of Niazar Abad Turbat,”

The BLA also mentioned that Shari, as a student, was associated with Baloch Students’ Organisation and “was aware of Baloch genocide and occupation of Balochistan”.

BLA said the attack was meant to give a message that Balochistan would not tolerate China’s presence.
 “Targeting director and officials of Confucius institute, the symbol of Chinese economic, cultural and political expansionism, was to give a clear message to China that its direct or indirect presence in Balochistan will not be tolerated,”, said BLA spokesperson Jeeyand Baloch.