After months of waiting and speculation, Google finally launched the Pixel series in India. At the Google October event 2022, several pixel products such as Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel Watch and Pixel Tablet made their way to the Indian Markets as they will be up for grabs on the pre-order sale ahead of their launch on October 13.
Last year, Google Pixel 6 won a substantial hit with its design. Keeping up with the expectations, the company has finally paved a new view with a rear camera bar. Previously, the glass camera in Pixel 6 has now been changed to metal, meaning less lens flare in photos. While the Pixel 7 sports two cameras in a pill cut-out, the Pixel 7 Pro differs with a third dot cut-out to the mix. The colours will be similar for both adding Lemongrass shade to Pixel 7 and Hazel shade to Pixel 7 Pro.
Google’s first smartwatch will be resilient to scratches, durable and contains a variety of healthful functions to monitor your body. Users may use it to quickly view Gmail notifications and Google Maps instructions. It includes a 6-month subscription to Fitbit. The Pixel tablet also created a stir by being the last addition to the Pixel family. Although it will be launched in 2023, the Tensor G2 processor used in the new Pixel 7 smartphones will also power the Google Pixel Tablet.