Bollywood actor-director Aamir Khan has revealed that he finally quit smoking after years of addiction. He made the statement during the trailer launch of his son Junaid Khan’s film Loveyapa in Mumbai on Friday.
"I have given up smoking, smoking is something I love very much and it's something I enjoy, kya bolun sach baat hai yeh, jhoot toh bol nahi skta (what can I say, it's the truth, I can't lie) Itte saalo se main cigarette pee rha tha...tobacco is something I enjoy, it's not good for health, kisi ko nahi krna chhaiye (Tobacco is something I enjoy, but it's not good for health, no one should do it)," he said.
Amir also asked people not to smoke. "I am very happy to say that I have quit this bad habit, and since a lot of people are listening and watching, I would also like to tell them, please quit this, it's not a good habit, it shouldn't be done," Aamir said. Also, he said during the addition that this is the time he actually decided to stop using tobacco while his son was about to enter the field of acting.
"Also, my son's film is about to come. I felt it was the right moment to quit, so I vowed not to smoke. Whether it works or not, as a father, I wanted to make this sacrifice,"Aamir said. His announcement about quitting smoking got a loud applause from the audience.