BJP leader Manoj Tiwari strongly criticized former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah for his remarks on Afzal Guru’s 2013 hanging. According to Tiwari, Abdullah’s comments were not only anti-India but also showed disrespect towards the Supreme Court. He accused Abdullah of undermining the nation’s judiciary and provoking unnecessary political tension with his statements.
Tiwari demanded an immediate apology from Abdullah, insisting that such remarks should not be tolerated, especially when it involves national security and the integrity of the judicial system. BJP leaders also called for strict action, urging political leaders to refrain from making divisive and inflammatory statements.
Omar Abdullah’s controversial comments have stirred a political storm, with both the BJP and other political parties joining in the condemnation. Afzal Guru, a key figure in the 2001 Parliament attack case, was sentenced to death and hanged in 2013, and Abdullah’s remarks have reopened old wounds in the political landscape.