In this Uttar Pradesh district on Friday, two vehicles—including an ambulance—that were a member of Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak's convoy crashed with one another, injuring three police officers, a doctor, and a health worker.
When Pathak was on his route to Gola Gokarannath in the Lakhimpur Kheri district in the morning, the event occurred at Nankari Village under the Dehat Kotwali police station.
Along with Arshad Jamal, a medical professional, and a health worker, three police officers — sub-inspector Pramod Mishra, head constable Inder Dev Singh, and Rajveer Singh — all suffered injuries in the event.
Shashank Trivedi, the Maholi-based BJP MLA, and Dr Madhu Gairola, Sitapur's chief medical officer (CMO), went to the district hospital to see the injured people.
According to ASP of North Sitapur Rajiv Dixit, the deputy chief minister Brajesh Pathak was travelling from Lucknow to Kheri for a programme when the tragedy occurred.
The ASP said that the injured people were stable and out of danger.