On Thursday morning, a bird struck an Akasa Air aircraft headed for Delhi while it was climbing. The freshly established low-cost carrier Akasa Air's Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft sustained radome damage as a result of the bird strike at 1900 feet.
This month, a last-minute mechanical cancellation of an Akasa Air aircraft from Ahmedabad to Bengaluru caused confusion at the airline's check-in desks as customers demanded other flights to their destinations. According to a passenger quoted by news agency PTI, Akasa Air QP 1332 was originally due to depart at 9.55 p.m., but the airline notified the passengers that it had been rescheduled for 10.55 p.m.
“Today, Akasa B-737-8(Max) aircraft VT-YAF operating flight QP-1333 (Ahmedabad-Delhi) experienced a bird strike during the climb out passing 1900 ft. Post landing at Delhi, Radom damage was observed. Aircraft declared AOG (Aircraft on the ground) at Delhi,” it said.
"The airline said that we can fly on Wednesday at the same time. But it did not offer passengers food or hotel accommodation. It told us to take a refund or wait till tomorrow at the airport," the passenger alleged, as quoted by PTI.