The incident took place at Himalayan Oak Hotel on Friday morning. As per the reports, the husband found her wife with his friend in a compromising position. This filled enraged the husband and fired at his wife and his friend. the friend died on spot, whereas, the wife suffered critical injuries
In a shocking incident, a Delhi-based businessman shot dead his wife’s lover and fired at the wife inflicting serious injuries to her in Manali, Himachal Pradesh.
The husband after executing the heinous crime shot himself and committed suicide.
The incident took place at Himalayan Oak Hotel on Friday morning. As per the reports, the husband found her wife with his friend in a compromising position. This filled enraged the husband and fired at his wife and his friend. the friend died on spot, whereas, the wife suffered critical injuries.
Immediately after the incident, police rushed to the scene of the crime and after preliminary investigation, sent the bodies for post-mortem.
Kullu SP Gurdev Chand Sharma confirmed that the husband and wife hailed from Delhi, whereas the male friend who was shot dead belonged to Gurugram.