The Ghaziabad Police detained a 36-year-old lady on Saturday after she reportedly made-up stories about being gang-raped and abused by five men over a property dispute. She and three accomplices were named in an FIR filed on Friday, which included charges of cheating, forgery, and criminal conspiracy.
She was admitted to Delhi's Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital (GTB).
The 36-year-old lady was discovered wrapped in a jute bag, with her wrists and legs bound, and with an iron rod put in her private areas, according to Swati Maliwal, the head of the Delhi Commission for Women, who made the statement on Wednesday.
"The woman was arrested by our police team. She was presented before a magistrate to record her statement. The court has sent her to 14 days in judicial custody," Superintendent of Police (City-I) Ghaziabad Nipun Agarwal said.
However, the Ghaziabad police said during a news conference on Thursday that the woman's claims that she had been raped and brutalised by the five men were "manufactured" and claimed that a plot had been concocted over a disagreement over a "small" piece of land. 4 of the 5 were taken into custody.
Contradictory claims were made by the lady and members of her family, according to a statement published by the National Commission for Women (NCW) on Friday.
On the women's claim that she was kidnapped, IG Kumar had said," No. She had gone to a designated place at her own will."