On Tuesday, Telangana Rashtra Samithi working president and minister of information technology KT Rama Rao said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's latest PR gimmick, the "Rozgar Mela," was a cruel joke on the unemployed young. KTR said in an open letter to the prime minister that the Modi administration debuted this new drama before of the Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh elections.
“What message do they intend to convey to unemployed youth by this new stunt called Rozgar Mela?” KTR questioned while stating that the Union government itself declared that approximately 16 lakhs more jobs had to be filled.
According to TRS Working President KTR, the Telangana administration has started the process to fill 91000 more government positions in addition to the 1.50 lakh that have already been filled. The private sector also offered 16.5 lakh jobs and employment prospects. This was carried out in the State, which has 3.5 crore residents.
KTR reminded PM Modi that he promised to fill 2 crore positions annually, noting that 16 crore jobs were intended to be filled during the previous eight years. Young people without jobs, he claimed, are waiting for them.
The Rozgar Mela statement from the Centre announced that 38 Central department openings will be filled. He has enquired as to the number of open positions in the 38 Central departments as well as the timeline for filling such positions. He queried if the national job calendar for jobless youngsters will be made public by the central government. KTR further claimed that while the Central Government is selling public sector enterprises, almost two lakh workers missed the chance to have their employment regularised.