Before his visit, Himachal CM Jai Ram Thakur checked the preparations for the visit. CM Thakur on Wednesday was seen presiding over the review meeting and passed on an order to strengthen the security and other preparedness
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today, June 16, kicked off his two-day visit to Himachal Pradesh. The PM is slated to pay his visit to Dharamshala.
As per the sources, PM Modi will land on a specially-created helipad at the police stadium in Dharamshala where the governor of Himachal and Chief Minister will receive him.
Before his visit, Himachal CM Jai Ram Thakur checked the preparations for the visit. CM Thakur on Wednesday was seen presiding over the review meeting and passed on an order to strengthen the security and other preparedness.
PM Modi is also going to launch a massive roadshow in Dharmashala.
"During the roadshow, various cultural groups wearing traditional outfits will welcome the prime minister with their musical instruments," CM Thakur said.