Thiruvaduthurai Adhinam, a religious organization, has dismissed a report in an English newspaper as misleading, stating that Sengol was indeed entrusted to Lord Mountbatten. The report had served as the basis for the Congress party's attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). However, the BJP has now demanded an apology from the Congress.
The controversy revolves around the historical context of Sengol, which is a sacred offering made to deities in the Thiruvaduthurai Adhinam tradition. The report in question claimed that Sengol was originally given to Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India, instead of being offered to the deities as per tradition.
This report had provided ammunition for the Congress party's criticism of the BJP, alleging that the party had allowed a foreign dignitary to receive a religious offering. However, the Thiruvaduthurai Adhinam has clarified that Lord Mountbatten was indeed the recipient of Sengol.
In light of this clarification, the BJP has demanded an apology from the Congress for making baseless accusations. The political tussle continues as both parties engage in a war of words over this issue.