After the longest downtime it has ever seen, WhatsApp services are now operational again. For more than 90 minutes, the instant messaging system was unavailable. Users have begun getting all of the backlogs of messages now that the messaging service is officially up and running.
The Meta-owned instant messaging service WhatsApp is back up after several hours of downtime that affected millions of users all across the world. Users from several nations flocked to Twitter to report the big outage after experiencing issues with the application's sending, receiving, and calling features.
Twitter users are using the hashtag #WhatsAppDown to convey their grievances and humorous jokes, and the phrase is already trending.
Over 85% of users experienced issues while texting, 11% while using the app, and 3% while using the website, according to Down Detector.
Within an hour of the global outage, a Meta Company Spokesperson said, “We’re aware that some people are currently having trouble sending messages and we’re working to restore WhatsApp for everyone as quickly as possible.
Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Lucknow are among the Indian cities that are impacted, but customers from the US, Germany, South Africa, Bahrain, Bangladesh, and several other nations have also complained on the site that the service is now causing a commotion and isn't functioning properly.