Reacting to Chopra’s victory in Finland, former cricketer Harbhajan Singh tweeted, “Another day, another gold! Well done champ @Neeraj_chopra1 on the gold at #KuortaneGames”
Tokyo Olympics champion Neeraj Chopra on Saturday garnered one more feather of achievement for the nation after bagging gold in the men’s javelin throw at the 2022 Kuortane Games in Finland. The throw that awarded him the victory measured 86.69 meters.
After emerging victorious at Kourtane Games, the 24-year-old athlete received an overwhelming response from the entire nation. Be it politicians or sportspeople, people from all walks of life came forward to extend their congratulation and celebrate the victory of Neeraj Chopra.
Reacting to Chopra’s victory in Finland, former cricketer Harbhajan Singh tweeted, “Another day, another gold! Well done champ @Neeraj_chopra1 on the gold at #KuortaneGames”.
Union Minister of Sports and Youth affairs, Anurag Thakur also took to Twitter to congratulate the victory of Chopra.
“Gold for Neeraj! He’s done it again, what an incredible champion! The best throw of 86.69m in his 1st attempt at the #KuortaneGames2022 @Neeraj_chopra1 clinches the top spot and goes on to win his 1st of the season”.
In the competition, Chopra took the early lead with a first-round throw with an 86.69m. He also had a nasty fall in his third round resulting in the athlete suffering from pain.